Submit a Project Idea!


The University of Alabama Crowdfunding Application


UA Crowdfunding is an online fundraising platform used to generate support for the Capstone by utilizing the power of social media, peer-to-peer relationships and collective giving. The platform allows donors the opportunity to support a variety of projects created by those within the UA community. Supporters can make gifts of any size and track the overall progress of projects, which will typically run for 30 days.


Application Process
UA faculty, staff and students representing registered University groups and organizations are encouraged to apply for UA Crowdfunding. There are a limited number of spots available for the projects that show the most potential for success. Applications should be submitted at least two months before you plan to launch your campaign.


Each project is evaluated by the UA Crowdfunding Selection Committee based on individual project requirements, objectives, and overall viability. A project may be approved for launch, delayed for possible revisions or declined for reasons that will be provided to the applicant.


Before completing the UA Crowdfunding Application, please review the Crowdfunding Guidelines, FAQs and the eligibility criteria below. If you have questions regarding any of the project requirements, please contact the Office of Annual Giving at 205-348-7701 or Please note that meeting each of the requirements listed below does not guarantee project approval.


Applicants for UA Crowdfunding must have, at a minimum:

  • Approval from your unit director and development contact
  • A faculty or staff advisor if you are a student group
  • An established University gift fund to which gifts can be directed
  • A dedicated Project Leader who will spearhead project initiatives and work directly with the Office of Annual Giving throughout the entire project duration
  • A Project Team of at least five people that is responsible for promoting their campaigns via social media, email, phone calls and on-campus
  • A realistic and attainable fundraising goal (national average is $2,000-$15,000)
  • A solicitation list of at least 20 individuals who would be willing to support your cause
  • A solid stewardship plan for thanking donors and communicating with them after the close of the campaign
  • Passion for your project and willingness to gather other supporters

If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Annual Giving at 205-348-7701 or Thank you for applying!


Fields marked with an asterisk are required.

Tell us about yourself


Tell us about your project



Please note that most successful campaigns are between 30-45 days.



Have questions? Send us an email at